Robotic Solutions

The global services industry is struggling to adapt to rapidly changing consumer preferences and external factors such as labor shortages, business concerns and supply chain disruptions, which is why some are turning to more advanced technologies such as service robots. The goal of technology has always been to solve problems of speed, security etc, while offering people more free time. Automation is at the root of the industrialization of our societies, a complete process to perform a task while minimizing or removing human intervention.

Robots are basically created by man to make his tasks easier. They have been used to increase business productivity and efficiency.

Service robots are a kind of accomplished form of task automation. The definition of a service robot is not an easy concept in the sense that it brings together very diverse forms and uses.

World industry has been abandoned, discarded, by an erroneous vision of globalization which wanted people to work rather than produce. However, there is no wealth except in factories and workshops, and the mastery of production tools is indeed a strategic issue in the economic relations of our time.

Industrial service robots offer a solution to move from words to deeds, so that it is finally embodied in GDP statistics. To serve this ambition, a simple and effective strategy is needed, based on a large-scale equipment plan, the reconstruction of an industrial robot production chain and, in the longer term, of production technologies as a whole.

It is only with a solid base in industrial robotics that any business sector will be able to embark on the mass deployment of service and achieving customer satisfaction.

To achieve these ambitious goals, we must set sail for the future of science. Over the past ten years, some Asian countries have implemented rapid catch-up policies, demonstrating that beyond the amounts invested, it is above all the confidence of political leaders in the technological progress represented by robotization that ensures success.

Industrial service robots offer a solution to move from words to deeds, so that it is finally embodied in GDP statistics. To serve this ambition, a simple and effective strategy is needed, based on a large-scale equipment plan, the reconstruction of an industrial robot production chain and, in the longer term, of production technologies as a whole.

It is only with a solid base in industrial robotics that any business sector will be able to embark on the mass deployment of service and achieving customer satisfaction.

To achieve these ambitious goals, we must set sail for the future of science. Over the past ten years, some Asian countries have implemented rapid catch-up policies, demonstrating that beyond the amounts invested, it is above all the confidence of political leaders in the technological progress represented by robotization that ensures success.

For nearly 50 years, industrial robots have been used in warehouses and factories. However, the idea of using robots to help human workers with service-related tasks, or to provide the best possible customer experience, is still relatively new. The examples of use are numerous for each service robot, some provide table service for restaurant customers, some provide delivery service from point A to point B, some give directions and even promote with ad bots. There are robots for restaurants, robots for supermarkets, robots for hospitals and also there are robots for poultry industry.

At the heart of these robots are real systems designed to perform tasks for people and newer models can also interact with the immediate environment. It is common to describe this type of robot as a semi or fully autonomous robot that operates for the welfare of humans and equipment.

Service robots are categorized according to the IFR (International Federation of Robotics) according to their fields of application (industries, hotels, etc.) and their range of autonomy:

partial ones, which are those which require human intervention, and those which are completely autonomous, requiring no intervention.

Businesses and organizations of all sizes use robotic technology in many ways. Most often, service robots are used to help human employees with their daily tasks. This allows them to focus on the more important things, like client- or patient-centered work (for medical professions).

Service robotics is therefore increasingly popular around the world. The main purpose of this type of robot is to help humans free up time by automating repetitive tasks.

Despite its apparent novelty, the service robot has become an integral part of service-oriented businesses in the hospitality, healthcare, retail and food production industries. These companies are constantly looking for new ways to delight customers while improving their bottom line.

One of the most important keys to success in the service industry is thus investing in service robots. This will allow employees to focus on providing the best possible customer experience, even as the industry faces constant challenges.

You can provide better service and customer care, as well as a great user experience with robotics. Thanks to this, you can increase the loyalty and satisfaction of your customers, if you work in the field of service, thanks to a better quality of the service you offer. At the same time, service robots can help you with time-consuming tasks and therefore save you a lot of time. And that without learning time and easily accessible.

Each company is specific and we can guide you more easily if you contact us. However, there are several advantages to using these robots that are found in different sectors of activity. The service robots we present are quite versatile and could be classified in different categories.

Before commissioning your service robot, be sure to define a list of questions specific to your activity that you must answer. Analyze if you need your robot to have a learning system or just do the same activity every time. Next, assess the speed you need to do the job and the space. Do not hesitate to call us, we will be happy to help you and have you test the service robot you like for free.

A list of your needs will certainly clarify your decision-making. Having a clear objective to fulfill will allow you to select the category of service robot you need and remember that these will adapt to your specific needs.

Our robots have been designed to make your daily life easier and more efficient. Trusting us like many entities across the world, it is a gain in productivity that you will obtain, but also a real improvement in your communication with your customers. You are one of the pioneers and therefore you can benefit from both a competitive advantage and the surprise effect of your customers, which will probably work in your favor.

We are an innovative technology company focused on the future of automated service businesses meaning to manage changes both in the public sector and in the private sector thanks to robotics.

The future is already here, ready to help you improve both the productivity of your business and the working environment. This technology also reveals an increase in customer and employee loyalty. This is why we put all our experience in this field at your disposal to offer you the best intelligent assistants on the market.

Creating a robot makes it possible to learn or develop knowledge and processes in programming, electronics, mechanics and robotic strategy. Robots were created by man to make his tasks easier. Automation is at the root of the industrialization of our societies, a complete process to perform a task while minimizing human intervention. The goal of technology has always been to solve problems of speed and security, while offering people more available time. Service robots are a kind of accomplished form of task automation. The global services industry is struggling to adapt to rapidly changing consumer preferences and external factors such as labor shortages, business concerns and supply chain disruptions, so some are turning to more advanced technologies such as service robots. This is how our enterprise is active in the field of selling, designing and manufacturing all kinds of smart robots based on artificial intelligence according to customer needs. Once the robot is built, it must be programmed to the best of its abilities. The strategies developed during its design must be put into equations. The evolution and complexity of the program are adjusted by the experience of our engineers. The most successful strategies are able to adapt to each request and commission.


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