AI Solutions

Artificial intelligence is a technology that simulates human behaviour and learns data about human behaviour and reactions to answer how to optimize human work and life. Artificial intelligence is a collective term for computer systems that can sense their environment, think, and act in response to what they feel.

AI is based on the idea that machines can be taught to recognize patterns and make decisions based on data. AI technology can be used in a wide range of applications, including speech recognition, image analysis, and natural language processing. It has the potential to revolutionize many industries, from healthcare to finance to transportation.

Imagine poultry farming and processing where everything is optimized by using intelligent autonomous systems with human workers remotely managing operations and only physically intervening when necessary. This vision is a potential reality for the future of poultry production where the ecosystem is fully automated and managed by constantly evolving artificial intelligence (AI).

In the future, poultry houses will be managed around the clock through a supervisory AI framework with associated sensors and robots. Birds are transported independently to processing plants. Rich data sets that include every moment in the production, transportation and processing of broilers and breeders are recorded in cloud servers, and artificial intelligence continuously processes input data and evolves over time. and constantly makes informed decisions. Versatile robots perform most of the day-to-day tasks such as eliminating mortality and monitoring flock behavior to ensure the growth and well-being of the birds. In addition, virtual and augmented reality systems provide the possibility of remote management and manipulation of existing systems in poultry.

The broiler and breeder production system of the future could employ novel innovations in sensing, automated and robotic systems, data collection, and analytics, all complemented by an evolving AI framework.  Robots and automated devices driven by sensors and intelligent classifiers leveraging AI and machine learning could provide most of the labor-intensive tasks. Autonomous mobile robots available around the clock perform routine tasks currently done by farm labor such as picking up floor eggs in breeder houses, removing mortality, aerating bedding materials, removing litter, and spraying litter amendments, vaccines, and disinfectants. Furthermore, these robots collect localized data non-stop as they constantly roam through the houses. Robots are deployed to rapidly scout and assess the broiler and breeder houses for current and emerging issues, providing sensor data and intelligence to ground robots for fast targeted response.

A real-time monitoring of the five domains of animal welfare, which includes nutrition, environment, health, behavior, and mental state, is required to improve poultry welfare outcomes. Versatile robots are also needed to quickly respond to any undesirable events, and they need to be able to stimulate certain behaviors in birds.

Animal welfare considerations could be significantly improved by using intelligent automation systems that can capture real-time data. For instance, intelligent systems that process and classify images, videos, and audio of actual bird behaviors could drive a better understanding of environmental operational parameters such as temperature that impact welfare by associating a pattern between the birds’ behaviors and the environmental condition over time.

Disease and food safety-related issues could be detected and addressed early through a network of smart sensors that feed data to AI classifiers enabling rapid and targeted response to undesirable pathogens. An accurate and robust biosensor could detect the presence of potential viral and bacterial pathogens in air and feces in a real-time fashion, so timely interventions can be implemented.

Disease-induced symptoms are also directly detected by monitoring the behaviors of birds through AI supplied by real-time data. Based on historical data, AI predicts possible disease outbreaks before they occur. The historical data are also used to trace disease vector, mode of transmission, and other patterns, which improves the AI’s early warning capabilities that could help prevent future outbreaks. When a disease outbreak or pathogen infection of birds is detected or predicted, autonomous robotic systems are deployed quickly to apply proper interventions, to remove an infected or diseased bird from the flock, or to isolate a group of birds from others in the house into a segregated space. Preliminary research has shown that autonomous ground robots can come in close physical contact with birds enabling a direct measurement of disease and food safety-related pathogens on the birds themselves.

Artificial intelligence is a technology increasingly being developed within companies, in all sectors of activity. It brings together a set of techniques and technologies and is designed to be able to think like humans by identifying the mechanisms of human intelligence. To achieve this, two concepts have been developed and integrated into the development of artificial intelligence: machine learning and deep learning. Thanks to these concepts, the AI is able to perceive, understand, act and learn everything as it happens in the work. Artificial Intelligence was defined early on as the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence if they were made by men. Today, modern computer scientists go one step further and define AI as a system that can perceive its environment and take action to maximize the chances of achieving its goals. Additionally, it is a system with the ability to interpret and analyze data in a way that it learns and adapts as it goes. Once implemented in machines, artificial intelligence can be applied to many missions, such as making certain tasks simpler and more efficient. How does it work? What lever can artificial intelligence represent for the growth of your company? What public support is available to support you? We explain to you, since we have numerous services in the field of designing artificial intelligence programs according to customer needs and building robots based on artificial intelligence.


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